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Unless otherwise noted, the web information may not represent official statements or views of 澳门管家婆资料大全. Use information here at your own risk.
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
Progress in research and teaching, in educating and learning depends upon the interaction of different disciplines, different perspectives, different ideas, and different people. Equal opportunity and affirmative action preserve and build diversity with the university. 澳门管家婆资料大全 is committed to the principles of equal employment and affirmative action.
The university's affirmative action and equal opportunity programs are administered by the (EOA).
Americans with Disabilities Act
This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. Please call 541-737-4411 for further information.
Privacy Statement
澳门管家婆资料大全 has a firm commitment to privacy. The following statement addresses the information-gathering and dissemination practices for the OSU website.
OSU does not collect personal information (e.g., name, address or telephone number) unless you voluntarily provide it to us by sending email, participating in a survey or completing an online form. We do not share any personal information with any third parties.
When you visit our website, we automatically collect certain information, such as:
- Domain, country, IP address
- Browser, platform, resolution
- Entrance-Exit Pages, Referrals
- Date, Time
- Search Terms and Search Engines
This is standard practice for websites, and is not used for any purpose other than to evaluate how we can design the site to best serve your needs.
In order to provide better and more secure service we will occasionally use a "cookie." A cookie is a small piece of information stored on your computer that can uniquely identify your browser, and may include other information about your visit to the site. The cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that set the cookie.
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.
User and password information is encrypted before it is transmitted across the network.
澳门管家婆资料大全 complies with all statutory and legal requirements with respect to access to information.
Links to External Sites
This site contains links to external, non-OSU sites. 澳门管家婆资料大全 is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.
Google Analytics
澳门管家婆资料大全 uses Google Analytics, a website traffic tracking and reporting service, on many of our Web pages. This service helps us to better understand and improve our sites' performance and user experience. We adhere to Google's for this service, which prohibit the collection or association of personal information with web analytics.
Interest-Based Advertising
Oregon State may provide third-party service providers with the cookies it has obtained in order for such service provider to inform, optimize and serve advertisements on other websites a user visits, based on such user's prior visits to the OSU Site. OSU directs these service providers to not use the provided cookies for any purpose other than to provide the advertising services explicitly requested.
You can opt out of certain service providers' use of cookies. For example, Google permits you to . Google Analytics also provides an for your browser.
The Self-Regulatory Program for and the and the have websites that allow you to register your choice to opt-out of receiving interest-based advertisements from certain companies that participate in such initiatives.
If you have questions or concerns regarding privacy, you may contact the .